Saturday, August 12, 2006

Becky and Jonathan were so cute. I think Johnathan may have been more nervouse than Becky. It was so hot during our outdoor pics but they hung in there like troopers. Their reception was on the 12th floor and the view was amazing. They also used Heath bars in the wedding favors which was pretty cute since Heath is their last name!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Next year's booking up fast

I just thought I'd go ahread and post the months that are already booked for next year. Currently I am booked for 2006 and am not booking any more weddings for March, April, May, June, July and October of 2007. I have one date open for Jan, Feb, Sept. and then Nov and Dec of 2007 are completely open. Hope this helps anyone considering booking me for your wedding. Although I may be booked, I do have people I reccomend though so feel free to email me and I can send you to someone else!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Happy Birthday

My Son turned two last weekend and my daughter turns 7 next weekend. I am always getting flack for never taking pics of my own kids they are...Pretty adorable aren't they??!! I guess I am a little biased though! :)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

soooo sick of this weather

I don't know about you...but I have had about enough of this weather...Man I can't wait for it to be cooler....
My friend Angie got married this past weekend and I got to do the pics. I have never seen anyone so excited to be getting married. She and Dan have been together a long time and it was a true joy to be able to share their special day with them!

Our friend Robert is a nut case!

Their reception was at the city museum! It is such a unique place for a reception and I know all of her guests had a blast!!!