Thursday, September 06, 2007

I've been tagged....

Blog tagged that Kelly Manno. So now I am supposed to list 8 random facts about me that people may not know...which is hard because as many of you know my life is an open book..hee hee...ok so here goes the list

8. I have no musical talents what-so-ever and am by far the worst...and when I say worst I mean ABSOLUTE worst ...singer in the world...which is funny because I love music..

7. I only weighed 98 pounds when I graduated from high school...and no I didn't have an eating disorder...just really skinny...sure wish I had that problem now AND I had big 'ol HUGE 80's hair and quite possibly may have been guilty of tight-rolling my jeans...shhhh it's a secret

6. I have been a teacher for 11 years...10 of those have been teaching 4th grade

5. Sometimes I have a potty mouth :( not around kids...just my friends and on the highway when I get road maybe that's ok...

4. I cannot go into Breadco or Borders and not order a frozen coffee drink...large with whipped cream...seriously I am so addicted that if there was a "frozen drinks anonymous" group I would have to join!

3. I have wrecked every car I have ever owned in some way (with the exception of my current one---knock on wood) I drive way too fast...

2. Halloween is my favorite, favorite, FAVORITE all time holiday

1. I have never taken a photography class

ok so now I guess I have to tag someone...I think I'll tag Jennifer Hanneken and Jerren

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Cool! I know Jennifer!

Small world!

Julz : )