Wednesday, May 07, 2008


ok, so I have been frantically trying to keep up with my requests for Boudoir session information. I am putting this on the blog so I can point people in this direction. I have 84 emails about Boudoir alone since the end of February. YIKES! That's a ton!
Here's the 411:

These shoots are a lot of fun! I think most people find it nerve wracking at first but then feel at ease in no time and just start having fun! I don't know one person who has regretted doing it and the guys I have talked to have thought it was the best thing their wife or fiance has ever done for them! The shoots can be done at my house (pics on my blog or at a hotel of your choice. If you choose the hotel you would pay for the room. Some hotels give discounted rates if you only want to rent for part of the day instead of a whole night. The cost of the session when it's done at my house is only $250 and that includes a high res DVD with all of your images (usually around 75-125..sometimes more) and I "touch-up" (meaning airbrushing trouble spots and stuff) about 20 of your favorites. I also put them in a passcode protected gallery so you have a little online slideshow.

Here's the bad news. I am the BUSISEST person I know. I work a full time 40 hour a week job (really 60 teachers out there can feel my pain, right?) and also do weddings, seniors,engagements, and boudoir. Occasionally I even make time to see my family. ha ha... My slots are very limited right now. And what is happening is I get so many requests for info and dates, if you take a week to get back to me on a date that I sent you, it may be gone when you email me back. If you want a date, you need to let me know as soon as you can after I give you one because chances are it will be gone if you don't. Unfortunately dates get taken fast.

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