Saturday, March 08, 2008

top 10 reasons I love living in Jefferson County

10. When all the big boxes from the holiday aftermath start piling's perfectly fine to throw them in the backyard and catch them on need for recycling out here!

9. no "mall traffic"...because there is no mall....

8. When trouble starts a brewing and you have to call for help because someone keeps stealing the stocked mini-fridge that is bolted inside the outside cabana get to call the police station in Imperial...just the sherrif... with the big ol sherrif hat who is very much like Roscoe P. Cotrain from Dukes of Hazard

7. We are the Meth Capital of the United States...hey at least we're famous for something...right?

6. I am never lonely because everywhere I go someone strikes up a conversation with me...and I am talking lengthy converstaions...usually with drunks at the gas station

5. All the country roads = no plowing= more snow days :)

4. 4 wheelers and golf carts are prefectly acceptable modes of transportation

3. I have a wide variety of indoor shooting ranges to choose from.

2. I got selected as the jury foreman my very first time I was called. I think it may have been due to the fact I was one of the only ones there with all of my teeth

1. I can roll out of bed and go to the store in my jammies with no make up and a severe case of bed head and still be the hottest person in the store...

ha ha...those of you who know me well know how much I dislike it out here...I am still venting about not getting phone, internet and cable! I'll get over it soon. I have been out here for almost three years now, and I must admit that is is growing on me...but after visiting relatives in St. makes me miss my old neighborhood.


Schneiderdoodle said...

I grew up in Jefferson County and I don't think there is a better place that I could have been raised. You may not love it now but give it some time...not everyone there is a meth smoking drunk.

Jodi Schlosser Photography said...

OMG you are too funny. I actually laughed out loud. :O)

Anonymous said...

You have to may not fit in out here right, but your husband sure does! It's so meant for him to live here.